If You Give Your Dog A Bath…

Chances are you’ll end up cursing. And sweating. And cursing again.

If you give your dog a bath, chances are he or she will attempt all possible routes of escape. Multiple times. My advice: shut the bathroom door.

If you give your dog a bath, you’ll save a ton of money by skipping the Groomers. So just hold on to that when your fur baby tries to jump the tub for the 18th time.

If you give your dog a bath, prepare for the inevitable Shake Off. Meaning: get a towel over that dog pronto!

Lastly, if you give your dog a bath, chances are he or she will give you that final look of utter betrayal. Tip: Bones and treats go a long way.


2 thoughts on “If You Give Your Dog A Bath…

  1. yearof26blog

    Hahahaha omg. Belle literally acts like I have murdered her entire family in front of her when I give her a bath. I usually just cave and pay Petsmart to do it to her and then I can act like the savior when I come take her home šŸ™‚

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